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School Health

Florida Department of Health in DeSoto County

The goal of school health services is to ensure that students are healthy, in school, and ready to learn. Services are provided in accordance with a local School Health Services Plan jointly developed by the Florida Department of Health in DeSoto County and School Board of DeSoto County.

In cooperation with the Department of Education, the School Health Services Program provides the services mandated in Florida statute sections 381.0056, 381.0057, and 402.3026. School health services are intended to minimize health barriers to learning for public school students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.

To help ensure the provision of safe and appropriate county level school health services, the Florida Department of Health School Health Program office provides funding, technical assistance, and oversight of health services provided in Florida's public schools.

State funding for the school health services program is supplemented by funding from local school districts and community partners and consists of three components: Basic School Health Services, Comprehensive School Health Services, and Full Service Schools.

Core Services of the School Health Services Program are:

  • Nursing assessments
  • Health counseling
  • Referrals and follow-up for suspected or confirmed health problems.
  • Individualized health care plan development
  • In-school care management for chronic and acute health conditions
  • Assistance with medication administration and health care procedures
  • Vision, Hearing, Scoliosis, and Growth and Development screenings
  • First aid and emergency health services
  • Communicable disease prevention and intervention

School Enrollment

To be eligible for school enrollment in a Florida (Pre-K-12) every child must present the following health documents: A record of physical examination completed within the past 12 months and an up-to-date immunizations record (680 Form). Other requirements for school entry can be found through the Florida Department of Education or the local school district.

Location and Contact Information 

Oak St. Primary Clinic
1031 E. Oak St.
Arcadia, FL 34266

The School Health Office is open Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

For more information, call 863-231-6544.