It's a New Day in Public Health.
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
Infectious Disease Services
Florida Department of Health in DeSoto County
- 863-993-4601 or 863-491-7580
Mailing Address
34 South Baldwin Ave
1031 Oak Street
Arcadia, FL 34266
The Florida Department of Health in DeSoto County (DOH-DeSoto) Disease Surveillance Branch works to protect and promote the health of all Floridians from infectious diseases through disease surveillance. This epidemiology-focused branch monitors disease trends and outbreaks in DeSoto County communities.
The DOH-DeSoto Disease Surveillance Branch is engaged in a wide array of activities, including:
- Surveillance and reporting of communicable diseases and conditions.
- Investigation and interviewing of reportable disease cases.
- Field investigation of disease, food, or waterborne illnesses and/or outbreaks.
- Analysis and distribution of public health data.
- Counseling and education on Hepatitis A, B, and C as well as other reportable conditions.
- Screening, surveillance, and management of lead poisoning cases.
- Education and consultation to the public (physicians, hospitals, childcare centers, nursing homes, schools, and other community institutions).
- Consultation on rabies post-exposure treatment of animal bites (prophylaxis).
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