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Sharps Disposal Program

Florida Department of Health in DeSoto County

Sharps are items having the potential to puncture or lacerate. These include syringes with attached needles and disposable lancets. They can cause injuries to waste collectors and potentially spread illnesses.

The Sharps Disposal Program safely collects needles, syringes, and other potentially dangerous items and properly disposes of them to ensure the safety of DeSoto County residents and visitors.

The Sharps Disposal Program is not for commercial use. Commercial waste generators are required to have an operating permit from the Florida Department of Health in DeSoto County (DOH-DeSoto) per Chapter 64E-16, Florida Administrative Code and 381.006, 381.0098 FS. Law.  

The following location is an approved drop-off site:

Florida Department of Health in DeSoto County
34 S. Baldwin Ave.
Arcadia, FL 34266

Store sharps in approved biohazard containers only; milk jugs and plastic coffee cans are unsafe as these items are not puncture resistant. Currently sharps containers are provided at DOH-DeSoto, free of charge. 

For any questions concerning home sharps disposal, please call 863-993-4601.