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Food Hygiene

Florida Department of Health in DeSoto County

The Florida Department of Health in DeSoto County has authority within the following food service facilities: schools (public and private), residential facilities, assisted living facilities, correctional facilities, civic and fraternal organizations, bars, and lounges that do not serve food.

Under Chapter 64E-11 of the Florida Administrative code, the above stated facilities are inspected for:

  • Health and safety checks for proper handling of food
  • Storage and preparation of foods
  • Adequate refrigeration temperatures
  • Proper cleaning and sanitizing of utensils, work areas, and equipment
  • Prevention of cross-contamination (keeping raw meats separate from other unprepared foods)
  • Contamination by insects and other pests

For any questions regarding the food hygiene program, please call 863-993-4601.

Regulatory Code

Please Note:

In Florida, five state agencies share responsibilities for ensuring that only safe, and wholesome food is provided to the public. Those agencies are the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS), the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR), the Agency for Health Care Administration, the Department of Children and Families, and the Florida Department of Health.

The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services conducts inspection and testing programs for the more than 30,000 retail food stores, food processing plants, food storage and distribution points, and other locations in Florida where food is sold to the public.

The Department of Business and Professional Regulation regulates and inspects public food service facilities including restaurants. You can look up a restaurant's last inspection.

The Agency for Health Care Administration regulates the food served at hospitals and nursing homes that they inspect.

The Department of Children and Families inspects food service at the child care facilities they license.

Restaurant Complaint?

Online: Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) or call 850-487-1395.

Convenience Store or Grocery Store Complaint?

Online: Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services or call 850-488-2221.