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Water Program

Florida Department of Health in DeSoto County

Limited Use Water Program

Florida Statute 381.0062 requires that limited use commercial systems (small businesses, food processors) and limited use residential systems (duplexes and greater, assisted living facilities, childcare, family day care) be permitted and monitored by the Florida Department of Health. Water systems are tracked for water quality and operation. Permits are issued and inspections performed according to Chapter 64E-8 Florida Administrative Code. All proposed new installations, repairs, modifications and approvals of existing systems require a permit from the Florida Department of Health. Statute requires testing for lead and nitrate every three years, quarterly bacteriological sampling, and an annual permit. 

Limited Use Water Program

Applications for permits are made at the Florida Department of Health in DeSoto County located at 34 South Baldwin Ave, Arcadia, FL 34266.

For any questions regarding the water program, please call 863-993-4601.

Private Well Water Systems

Private well owners are responsible for ensuring that their well water is safe to drink. The Department of Health strongly recommends that private well water is tested for bacteria and chemicals at least annually. It is simple, affordable, and a great way to assure that the water is safe for you and your family to use. As a service to the community, the Florida Department of Health in DeSoto County has sample bottles for purchase and will submit your samples to a certified lab, interpret the results, and provide guidance on how to disinfect the well if the water is contaminated.

Regulatory Code

Drinking Water Sample Fees

Bacteria - $26.00

Lead - $35.00

Nitrate/Nitrite - $35.00

Obtaining/Submitting Samples

  • Obtain and submit your sample kits from the Florida Department of Health in DeSoto County, located at 34 South Baldwin Ave, Arcadia, FL 34266.
  • Sample kits may be picked up Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Sample kits may be submitted for analysis on Tuesday and Wednesday from 8-11 a.m.
