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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Birth Certificates

Florida Department of Health in DeSoto County

The first step is to determine your eligibility (relationship) to receive a birth certificate.

You must meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Be the child named on the certificate AND over 18 years old; OR
  2. Be the parent, guardian, or legal representative of the person named on the certificate.

If the birth record is over 100 years old and not under seal pursuant to a court order, it is a public record and anyone can obtain a copy.

All applicants must include the following:

  • The applicant’s picture ID: 
    • A valid driver’s license (front and back).
    • A state identification card (front and back).
    • A passport.
    • Military identification card.
  • The applicant’s relationship to the person (registrant) named on the certificate.
  • The Registrant’s full name at birth, date and place of birth, mother’s maiden name, and father’s name.
  • The applicant’s full name, address, and telephone number(s).
  • Please note the applicant’s signature (parent’s, legal guardian’s, or legal representative’s signature if the person named on the birth certificate is under 18) is required.

The fee for each certified copy of a Florida birth record obtained through the Florida Department of Health in Desoto County is $13.00. When purchased at the same time, additional copies for the identical birth record are $10.00 each. 

There are three ways to apply for a birth certificate: 

  • Apply In Person
  • Apply by Mail
  • Apply by Fax

Florida Department of Health in Desoto County
1031 East Oak St.
Arcadia, Florida 34266
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

For applying in person, fees are payable by cash, money order, or cashier’s check (made payable to Florida Department of Health in Desoto County), or by Visa or Mastercard.

Florida Department of Health in Desoto County
Vital Statistics Office
1031 East Oak St.
Arcadia, Florida 34266

Please include:

  • Signed birth certificate application   English Form (747 kb doc)  Spanish Form (746kb doc)
  • A copy of one of the following valid identifications:
    • Valid driver’s license (front and back)
    • State identification card (front and back)
    • Passport
    • Military identification card
    • Your daytime telephone number
    • Your payment. Fees are payable by money order or cashier’s check. Please do not send cash by mail.
    • A self-addressed,stamped envelope (for regular processing service

Fax: 863-491-7584

Please include:

  • Signed birth certificate application English Form (747 kb doc)  Spanish Form (746kb doc)
  • A copy of one of the following valid identifications (enlarged for easier verification when faxed)
    • Valid driver’s license (front and back)
    • State identification card (front and back)
    • Passport
    • Military identification card
    • Your daytime telephone number
    • Credit card payment information. Visa or Mastercard